Australian made

DELMADE 1075 SP Series Wheeled Offset Disc

Product Ref: p1-151

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  • p1-151 — DELMADE 1075 SP Trailing Folding Offset Disc
  • p1-151 — DELMADE 1075 SP Trailing Folding Offset Disc
  • p1-151 — DELMADE 1075 SP Trailing Folding Offset Disc
Australian made

DELMADE 1075 SP Series Wheeled Offset Disc

Product Ref: p1-151

  (6 Reviews)

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The DELMADE 1075-SP Series is an extra heavy duty folding machine. Encompassing all the features of the DELMADE 1075 Series with larger heavier disc plates 32" instead of 28", heavier axles and bigger bearings. This tough and rugged machine is built around weight and is unrivalled for primary and secondary cultivation. The 1075-SP utilizes the finest components available to achieve a product of uncompromising quality. 

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The very first Delmade Disc was built with an expertly engineered frame, combined with a rugged gang axle system and fitted with the renowned Delmade Disc Bearing System. Years later, after ploughing thousands of acres, that pioneer disc is still going strong. In fact, it still has its original bearings!

No. of Plates Product Code Plate Size No. of Bearings No. of Axles Working Width Hp Requirement Transport Width Weight per Disc Total Weight Axle Size Disc Spacing
Metric (mm) Imperial Metric (m) Imperial Metric (m) Imperial Metric (m) Imperial
N40 DOD2600 810x10 32"x3/8" 16 8 5.3 17'6" 200-250 3.24 10'8" 194 7750 54 2 1/8'' 10 1/2"
N44 DOD2605 810x10 32"x3/8" 16 8 5.9 19'3" 200-280 3.24 10'8" 189 8300 54 2 1/8'' 10 1/2"
48 DOD2610 810x10 32"x3/8" 16 8 6.4 21' 230-300 3.75 12'4" 182 8750 54 2 1/8'' 10 1/2"
52 DOD2615 810x10 32"x3/8" 16 8 6.9 22'9" 290-320 3.75 12'4" 177 9200 54 2 1/8'' 10 1/2"
W56** DOD2620 810x10 32"x3/8" 20 10 7.5 24'6" 310-430 3.75 12'4" 232 13000 54 2 1/8'' 10 1/2"
W60** DOD2625 810x10 32"x3/8" 20 10 8.0 26'3" 320-450 3.75 12'4" 227 13600 54 2 1/8'' 10 1/2"

** W56 & W60 Plate Models have 850/50 x 30.5 Flotation Tyres


    • Simple positive gang adjustments
    • Heavy box section frame
    • Single 600/50 x 22.5 flotation wheels
    • Extra heavy Oil bath bearings c/w duo cone seals, built to Delmade specifications
    • 10 1/2" disc spacing
    • Large 2 1/8" dia. H.T. gang axles
    • Capped and locked gang nuts
    • Removable drawbar tongue
    • Safety chain provision
    • Folding gang frames
    • Heavy-duty scrapers
    • Heavy-duty greaseable pin eye hydraulic cylinders
    • Depth gauge
    • Transport safety lock
    • Rear drawbar tongue
    • Spanner Set
    • Hydraulic pole adjustment complete with accumulator
Gang axle nut complete with cap and locking washer Hydraulic cylinder transport locks Depth gauge
Parallel lift Rear draw bar Legendary Delmade oil bath bearings

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There has been no lost time due to break downs, bearing failure etc. during these cultivations......although Delmade are not the cheapest on the market they have proved to be a good investment and I would recommend them to any person or company who are looking to invest in a new set of offsets.

John Robson
Farming Manager Isis Cane Services

I think they're a damn good thing and I don’t mind giving you a testimonial, I’m not lying it’s all true… I mean it! I'd recommend Delmade to anyone... I'm very happy with them. When the 1050 arrived, we put it to work. We had two shifts and we worked the Disc around the clock 24 hours a day. The only time we stopped was to refuel and change drivers... I'd never experienced hassle free ploughing like this before.

Gerald Davis
North Eastern Tasmania Contractor - Owner of 2 Delmade Offsets

I have found the main frames excellent, and maintenance free, oil bath bearings excellent. Any parts ever needed, are readily available from Delmade. In all my years of contracting, these discs are the best discs that I have ever owned. I am completely happy with the equipment, and the service received from Delmade.

Wayne Pearton
W J Pearton Contracting - Owner of 2 Delmade Offsets

The big tyres are great for flotation in fact the Disc will float out my tractor. Before buying we looked at the Delmade first and we said, "They're a beautiful set of discs." Then we went away and looked at everything else. Then we came back to Delmade... I've used and seen a lot of other Discs in my day and most have broken poles and weld on the frames, but I've had my Delmade's for 9 1/2 years and have never repaired the frame once. We replaced 5 sets of disc plates on the original set of bearings! There's not a set of discs out there that match them. Today we own three Delmade Disc and we are very happy with them all. 2 x 1050 48 plate and 1 x 1150 24 plate.

Phillip Fish
Contractor - P.R. Fish & Sons Pty Ltd - Owner of 3 Delmade Offsets


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