Welcome to the Delmade Toolbox. This is where all our handy calculators and downloadable resources are. All our tools are 100% free! We're always looking for ideas so if you'd like anything added please put your suggestions in by contacting us below.
Our resources, downloads and handy tools are growing daily. So be sure to check back frequently.
Check out:
- Weather & Rain Records
- Conversion Tools
- Ha/Hour Chart & Implement Usage Record Sheets
- Rain Chart - Interactive
- Trencher vs Ripper - Cost Calculator
- Auger Length Calculator
- Tonnes of Fert per Job Calculator
- Ha / Hour Calculator
- Frost damage Calculator
- Metres to Feet (in feet & inches!)
- Delmade Product Catalogue
- Visit Delmade on Facebook
- 23/24 Machinery Catalogue
Do you have an idea for a tool or downloads you'd love to see here? Let us know below on the "Toolbox Suggestion Form".
We would love to hear from you!
Please contact us at:
Delmade Pty Ltd
Phone: 1800 335 623
Email: info@delmade.com.au