How Delmade's Rut Filler Saved Brian Time and Money


Are you spending too much time and money managing the deep ruts left by your irrigation system? Maybe you’ve tried hiring expensive machines or using complicated belt-driven equipment, only to find that the results are inconsistent or worse, not worth the investment. - Sound familiar? Don't worry you’re not alone Brian Smith, a farmer from Mount Gambier, South Australia, was in the same situation. He needed a reliable, efficient and cost effective solution for filling ruts created by his eight irrigation pivots.

In this article, you’ll hear directly from Brian about how switching to the Delmade Rut Filler has saved him time, money, and hassle, and why it could be the answer for your farm too.

Phone Interview with Brian Smith

What were you using before the Rut Filler?
I was hiring machines that were driven by belts and various combinations, and I found it over expensive and better to do it ourselves and I’m really delighted in the gravity feed of your machine.

And that was what drew you to our machine? Was it the lack of moving parts & troublesome bits and pieces?
Definitely. I mean the simpler you can keep a thing and use gravity the better it is. And the way of filling the ruts is we use it consistently, we have 8 or 9 irrigation pivots going and you can imagine the tracks they cut in the ground.

As far as time saving - do you find it saves you much time in comparison to using the belt driven units?
Well, I probably can’t make a comparison because we had different people come and help to do it and it just didn’t work out and that’s what made me initially buy your machine.

In comparison to the belt driven units did you find that the Delmade unit kept the material in the rut better or was there much difference in terms of that?
Its like chalk and cheese, your machine makes the job so simple. Providing you use the right rubble on the back the gravity will let it feed out. The way you control it into the wheel marks of the irrigator its certainly the answer, I don’t know how you can improve it. I’ve got nothing for praise for that machine – it’s so practical.

Do you use it every year in ruts or every couple of years?
No, it’s regularly used every year.

And what sort of soil are you on?
Sandy loam, and we are using limestone rubble, which fills the rut properly, and fills a little bit higher than what it appears necessary and that will always settle down and last for quite some time.

Very economical way of doing it. I’ve got nothing but praise it’s so simple.

Brian Smith
Mount Gambier SA


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