Buying a New Tractor? - Check out this buyers guide!
Aug 29, 2022 Posted by Terry White
Introducing the TMA Tractor Buying Guide. Developed by the Tractor and Machinery Association of Australia.
This book is designed to assist inexperienced buyers safely purchase equipment that is suited for their farm.
"A tractor, like many other essential pieces of machinery for large and small-scale farms, can be a great asset. However, it can also be a potential danger if it is not properly maintained, serviced and operated. Incidents involving Tractor rollover and runover are among the leading cause of death and injury on farms.
Buying a tractor, especially a secondhand tractor can be a daunting task but this can be made easier by following a few simple steps as outlined in this guide." - from the TMA Tractor Buying Guide
Ideal for a first-time purchaser this book covers everything from ROPs, Decals, Warranty to how to determine if the machine is fit for purpose. Also, check out the handy pre-purchase checklist which will help you ensure every t is crossed and every i dotted before you make your purchase.