Elmore Site Number 345


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👉 Buy your tickets here!

Come and visit Delmade at Elmore Site Number: 345 we’d love to see you there and you won’t be disappointed!

For nearly five decades, Delmade has stood as the trusted choice for Australian farmers and contractors. With a proud history dating back to 1974 Delmade has continuously evolved, shaping the agricultural landscape.

What sets Delmade apart? We listen to the farmers and contractors who use our equipment and adapt speedily to suit new and changing environments. We’ve drawn on your experience… that’s why you can trust ours!

This year at Elmore, Delmade will be exhibiting the Delmade Offset Disc. With generations of innovative features like oil bath bearings for incredible longevity, the infield tool kit for easy gang adjustment and the rear tow hitch for towing a seed roller or other implement, this unit will ensure your tillage operation never breaks down again!

Delmade’s extensive Offset Disc Family starts at the 650 Series suited towards the small to medium landholder and culminates with the 1075 Series 60 plate and the extra heavy 1150 Series for virgin tillage. If you’re in the tillage game, there’s a Delmade to suit you and every Delmade comes backed by decades of in field experience. Pssst …. a new release is on the horizon with the Delmade Silver Series Offset… stay tuned for this exciting development!

Also on stand will be the Delmade Subsoiler, Scarifier and Heavy Duty Cultivator tine display. The units are built very heavy for hard conditions and feature a range of tines, points and breakouts to suit virgin tillage through to seed ready finishes.

Rounding off our showcase will be the Delmade Ripper Pipe Layer & Delmade Roller display. The Delmade Ripper Pipe Layer is a spool system that takes all the hard work out of pipe laying. In the Delmade Roller range is the Cambridge Seed Roller, the Ring Packer Roller for post tillage and the 24” to 48” Flat Rollers.

We would love to talk to you at Elmore.

Drop by Site Number: 345 and chat to the team or give us a call on 1800 335 623.

👉 Buy your tickets here!

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