Empowering Dairy Farmers: DairyTas Small Project Grants Program


Are you a dairy farmer looking to make a tangible impact on your industry? If so, we have exciting news for you! The DairyTas Small Project Grants Program, established by Dairy Australia, is here to support your innovative ideas and local solutions. As part of DairyTas's commitment to advancing the dairy industry in Tasmania, this program offers a unique opportunity for dairy farmer groups and organisations across the state to secure funding for initiatives that drive growth, sustainability, and local development.

What You Need to Know

The DairyTas Small Project Grants Program is your chance to turn your visionary concepts into reality. Whether you're part of a farmer group or an organisation dedicated to enhancing the dairy sector, this program is designed to elevate your efforts. Here's what you need to know:

  1. Strategic Alignment: Your project proposal should align with the priorities outlined in the Dairy Industry Strategic Plan. These priorities encompass the areas of profitable and competitive dairy farms, industry protection and promotion, and the growth of capabilities and skills.
  2. Maximum Grant: You could receive a grant of up to $10,000 (excluding GST) to fuel your project's success. This grant covers various components, including salaries for project staff, operating costs, and travel expenses.
  3. Funding Period: Typically spanning 12 months, the funding period allows you to make significant progress on your project. If you require an extended period, DairyTas encourages you to negotiate this upfront.
  4. Making an Impact: Your project's outcomes are central to the evaluation process. Factors taken into consideration include your team's capacity, local priority and support, innovative methodology, alignment with the Dairy Industry Strategic Plan, potential benefits for farmers, value for money, and the quality of your application.
  5. Reporting and Acknowledgment: As your project takes shape, regular reports are expected to track progress against the milestones you set in your application. Additionally, it's important to acknowledge DairyTas Board and Dairy Australia as funding sources in any related publicity or promotional materials.

How to Apply

Application forms are available from DairyTas Board, both electronically and for handwritten submissions. If you require assistance with your application or project management, don't hesitate to reach out to Jonathan Price, the Executive Officer of DairyTas.

Website: DairyTas Small Project Grants - Dairy Industry Association of Australia (diaa.asn.au)

The DairyTas Small Project Grants Program is your catalyst for driving change in the dairy industry. If you're passionate about making a difference, this program offers the support you need to transform your ideas into impactful actions.

Are you ready to make waves in the dairy sector? Apply today.

The team at Delmade would be happy to answer questions you may have please call 1800 335 623.

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