Delmade 1075 W SP Series Offset Disc - Case Study


The Delmade 1075 Series W SP 60 Plate is an extra heavy-duty Offset Disc purpose-built for big distances, wide-open spaces and hard going. Designed specifically for large multi-farm or broadacre operations and contracting this Offset is the flagship of the Delmade range.

The 60 plate Offset features a wide 20 bearing frame, a working width of 8.0m and a 1 1/8 Axle. The frame is heavily reinforced with Australian grade steel to give extra weight and exceptional frame strength.

"I've used and seen a lot of other Discs in my day and most have broken poles and weld on the frames, but I've had my Delmade's for 9 1/2 years and have never repaired the frame once. We replaced 5 sets of disc plates on the original set of bearings! There's not a set of discs out there that match them. Today we own three Delmade Disc and we are very happy with them all. 2 x 1050 48 plate and 1 x 1150 24 plate."

Phillip Fish Contractor - P.R. Fish & Sons Pty Ltd Owner of 3 Delmade Offsets

Managing Director of Delmade and designer Rohan Cunningham quotes "It's the finish that counts" and this Offset is clearly built around the statement. Shown here doing a primary pass on Wild Turnip weed this machine digs deep and finishes smoothly.

The Delmade range is designed with a soil care focus and the deep cut provided by this Offset ensures that critical soil nutrients and moisture are retained and maximised. The deep cut on the 1075 Series enhances soil granulation and results in a uniform and smooth surface. After discing the loosely granulated soil free of large clumps and soil clods allows a higher seed to soil contact ratio which improves germination. It also allows a higher water penetration level and therefore a higher seed to water contact ratio. These increases in the water retention and the seed to soil and seed to water, ratios ultimately result in increased germination and yield rates.

Manufactured in Westbury the heart of Tasmania the Delmade Offsets have always bosted exceptional trash flow. This is especially noticeable in heavy crop stubble, weed and uncultivated paddocks and sticky wet soils. The Delmade disc scraper system combined with the expertly designed frame and oil bath bearings allows a clear passage for large obstacles ensuring that the gangs don't block up in hard going.

Delmade Offset Discs are ideal for preparing a fine seedbed, primary tillage of virgin ground, breaking up and mixing of soil clods, deep tillage and destroying weeds. If you are interested in a Delmade Offset Disc for your property check out the range below or give us a call on 1800 335 623.

We would love to hear from you!

Please contact us at:

Delmade Pty Ltd
Phone: 1800 335 623

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