Regional Mobile Infrastructure Inquiry


Have you participated in the ACCC Inquiry into regional mobile infrastructure? Now is the ideal time to share your opinion and influence future government policy decisions on regional mobile infrastructure.

The ACCC have announced the following:

"Achieving better mobile connectivity in regional Australia requires significant ongoing investment in mobile infrastructure. The purpose of the ACCC Inquiry is to:

  • inform future Government policy decisions on the provision of regional, rural, remote and peri-urban mobile telecommunications services
  • investigate the feasibility of providing temporary mobile roaming during natural disasters or other emergencies.

Tasmanian individuals and stakeholders who would like to share their experiences are welcome to email their submission to the ACCC at or submit it online via the consumer survey, which will be open until 31 March 2023.

Read more here: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission"1

1 Attributed to Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (

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