Financial support for businesses impacted by floods


Tasmanian small businesses that have been impacted by the severe weather event on 13 and 14 October 2022 can now apply for a Small Business Emergency Response Grant.

Grants of up to $25 000 are available for small businesses across 17 affected municipalities that can provide evidence of direct damage from the severe weather event on their business.

Jointly funded by the Australian and Tasmanian Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, these grants can be used to help with the costs of the clean-up and reinstatement of a small business. Grants are not available for the loss of revenue, wages or income.

Further information, including eligibility criteria and application details is available on the Business Tasmania website. You can also contact Business Tasmania on 1800 440 026 or email

Primary producers

Separate grants of up to $25 000 are available to support Tasmanian primary producers impacted by the October flooding with clean-up and restoration activities. 

Visit the Department of Natural resources and Environment website for further information or contact FarmPoint on 1300 292 292 or email

Note: Applicants are not eligible to apply for both a Primary Producer Emergency Response Grant as well as a Small Business Emergency Response Grant.

Information sourced from Business Tasmania Update 31 October. Copyright Business Tasmania

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