Introducing the 8 Tonne Tip Trailer - a heavy duty machine


Delmade 8 Ton Tip Trailer - featured with Bale Extension

Introducing the Delmade 8t Tip Trailer. A full-width heavy-duty machine. Delmade has over 47 years of experience building agricultural machinery and our Tip Trailers reflect that experience with there over-engineered heavy-duty frames and high load ratings.

The Delmade 8 Tonne model is 2.5m wide and 4.3m long plus can be extended to 5.3m with optional bale extension, representing a full-width trailer so you can easily fit a maximum load be it bales, gravel or rubbish. The Delmade range of Trailers are also built with high sides so they can be heavily loaded without losing anything over the back or side.

Built with a heavy-duty 6mm steel deck, the Trailer has the ideal strength for dense loads with a high weight to cubic meter ratio. This also means it can be used when offloading rocks from a large rock picker, which typically puts a great deal of stress on the trailer, the deck & the suspension/wheel system.

In all Delmade implements safety is of paramount concern and especially in Australian conditions which in areas can be very rugged a machine that is safe is very important. The 8 tonne model is standard with hydraulic brakes so it can be safely operated in steep conditions and also for your peace of mind especially when towing a full load. It also has a storage compartment for hydraulic hoses when the machine is not in use.

Hydraulic hose storage compartment

Hydraulic hose storage compartment

As options on this Trailer, there is a hydraulic jack stand, which makes it easy to raise or lower a fully loaded unit. An optional hydraulic tailgate which is ideal for easy release with a full load and also an optional two-way tailgate, which allows the tailgate to be opened at the bottom or the top making operations such as gravel spreading very controlled and easy. Also allowing very easy gravel spreading are the optional gravel chains, which hook onto the bottom of the tailgate to hold it at the desired width for an even spread great for re-doing gravel roadways.

Taillights & optional gravel spreading chains

Taillights & optional gravel spreading chains

All Delmade Tip Trailers feature our unique heavy-duty oscillating suspension system. This system allows a good oscillation angle to be achieved by the front & rear wheels, making it ideal for instances where deep hills and valleys are present or where it is required to back the trailer up a gravel or dirt pile or onto a steep gradient. The oscillating suspension system has a greaseable pivot point for easy maintenance and an oscillating boom for uneven ground.

Oscillating Beam Suspension

Oscillating Beam Suspension

Showing the oscillation on the wheels

Showing the oscillation on the wheels (6-tonne model featured)

Standard with Tail Lights the Tip Trailer can be used on the road (check your local laws here!) and the lights are also great when using in low light like dusk or dawn. The optional Hay extension also features 

To make this unit as multi-purpose as possible the sides (including centre posts) and tailgate are fully removable, the centre post on the sides means each side has two openings which is ideal for manual handling and means they are very easy open and close. Once all sides and centre posts are removed, the trailer has a long deck ideal for transporting bales or farm equipment. An optional Hay Extension can be added to give you a full 5.3m deck the extension is very straightforward to use, you simply slide the extension in place which is secured by the rear tailgate latch and safety chains. The extension also has rear taillights and hurdles for carrying bales.

Featured with optional Hay Extension

Featured with optional Hay Extension

Made in Tasmania the 8-tonne Tip trailer is ideal for use in Australian conditions. It is engineered for safety, reliability and with a full width you can get a full load every time. To discover more about the 8-tonne Tip trailer watch the video below 👇.

Interested in our range of heavy-duty Tip Trailers? We would love to hear from you! Please contact us at:

Delmade Pty Ltd
Phone: 1800 335 623


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