Make purchasing your new farm equipment that little bit easier and with a finance package. Our Finance range includes a comprehensive suite of options which can be personally developed to suit your needs. Rest assured your purchase will be seamless and your payments will suit your cash flow. We can help your business to conserve working capital. All we need to know is:
DELMADEs wide range of finance options include the following variables for a finance solution customised to your budget and needs.
- Finance in advance or arrears
- Repayments, a range of options available to suit your cash flow
- Standard monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly options
- Irregular payments
- Seasonal payments
- GST amount can be paid in one sum anytime between one or three months
If you are looking to purchase equipment with DELMADE you can access a DELMADE finance package. Simply fill in the details below for an instant quote or call 1800 335 623 for a custom quote.
Do you need a finance quote? We would love to help you!
Please contact us below.
Delmade Pty Ltd
Phone: 1800 335 623