Local Water Management Solutions 💦


Water is arguably one of the most precious resources on your property and also arguably one of the most difficult to manage. DELMADE has nearly 5 decades of experience in the development of equipment designed for Australians on the land. Equipment that can help you manage this valuable resource without excess wastage.

Common water issues include water logging in paddocks after irrigation or rain, where the water doesn’t drain properly causing soggy/boggy patches or outright ponds. Ruts forming from the compaction of an irrigator passing along the same path and pipes that burst due to kinking or tension during laying or that may be laid to close to the surface causing damage. The DELMADE range is specifically designed to target these common problems.

Prevent: Water Logging & Drainage Issues. Use the Mole Drainer, the ideal machine to create drainage channels in the paddock whilst minimising pasture disturbance. The DELMADE Subsoiler also has drainage benefits with the shattering of the subsoil allowing for an increase in water absorption which will help with waterlogging and flooding in a wet year and in turn preserve moisture for crops in a dry year.

Prevent: Pipe kinks, lifting and damage. Use the DELMADE Ripper Pipe Layer. Specifically designed to make pipe laying a one-man operation. The DELMADE Ripper Pipe Layer takes the pipe off the ground out of harm’s way. Easily unroll through an obstruction-free layer equals no kinking. Lay faster than ever before with no mistakes from fatigue, in fact our customers tell us they can lay at speeds of around 700m per hour!

Prevent: Damaged fence lines and improve your mobility from paddock to paddock – whilst keeping stock contained. Use the DELMADE Irrigator Fence Crossing, built on the same principles as the DELMADE Cattle Grid. The new product in the Water management range these fence crossings allow your irrigator to pass through the fence line and some models are also traversable with a 4 wheeler all whilst stock is safely contained.

Fix: Ruts, Prevent Irrigator Damage, Save Money: Use the DELMADE Rut Filler ideal for a property running centre pivots and struggling with ruts. Simply fill the ruts to an even finish with gravel or other filler material. One pass operation, your irrigator is up and running again and you don’t have the troubles of bogged irrigators, blown gearboxes, structural damage and big repair bills. Don’t want filler in the paddocks? Use the DELMADE Wheel Rut Eradicator. Built on the same principles as the DELMADE Offset Disc this tough piece of equipment uses existing soil to fill the ruts and runs at around 7km/hr for a very efficient job.

If you would like more information DELMADE has a local team of highly skilled agricultural product consultants. Also, of note all orders over July & August will go in the draw to win one of our Winery Lunches, 5 available! Be sure to mention this article for your entry. We would love to hear from you! Simply call in to 7 Roxford Ave, Westbury give us a call on 03 6393 2373.


Delmade Pty Ltd
Phone: 1800 335 623
Email: info@delmade.com.au


Delmade Supporting Australia

We are proud of our durable and expertly designed equipment and our ability to provide outstanding service, backup spare parts and components and expert advice. Choose Delmade to ensure your machine is up and running when you need it!

Interested in our equipment? Head to https://delmade.com.au/categories to check out the full range or give us a call on 1800 335 623.


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